Weaponmasters The weaponmaster is great with a single class of weapons. The character gets combat bonuses and special powers depending on the type of specialization. Alas, the weaponmaster is truly lousy when using any weapon outside their chosen specialty so focus is key. Axes The mighty axe! Your blows will cleave with damage unsurpassed. Specializing in axes gives great offensive prowess, especially when your axe is wielded with two hands. However, this speciality offers little in the way of utility. Kill quickly as your life depends on it! Stats Skills Strength +4 Disarming Fair Intelligence -3 Device Bad Wisdom -2 Save Fair Dexterity -1 Stealth Fair Constitution +2 Searching Poor Charisma +1 Perception Bad Life Rating 109% Melee Superb Base HP 12 Bows Bad Experience 135% Bows You will shoot to kill! The bowmaster gains techniques to enhance shooting, including more rapid firing, the ability to volley shots over the heads of intervening monsters, reduced ammo destruction, the ability to kill with a single arrow and much more. As a shooter, your missile prowess will be quite formidable, though your melee will be somewhat lacking. Stats Skills Strength +1 Disarming Fair Intelligence -1 Device Good Wisdom -1 Save Poor Dexterity +3 Stealth Very Good Constitution +0 Searching Fair Charisma +1 Perception Poor Life Rating 109% Melee Fair Base HP 12 Bows Superb Experience 135% Clubs You will seek to club your opponents senseless! This speciality gains passive status effects against monsters, such as confusion, knock out and stunning. Also, you will gain some limited utility techniques. At high levels, your weapons will become more likely to score devastating, crushing blows against your hapless enemies. Stats Skills Strength +3 Disarming Fair Intelligence -2 Device Fair Wisdom -2 Save Very Good Dexterity -1 Stealth Fair Constitution +2 Searching Poor Charisma +1 Perception Bad Life Rating 109% Melee Excellent Base HP 12 Bows Excellent Experience 135% Crossbows The crossbowmaster shoots deadly bolts for great damage. Their bolts may explode powerfully damaging nearby monsters. Also, they may shoot so hard as to knock their opponents backwards! Stats Skills Strength +2 Disarming Fair Intelligence -2 Device Fair Wisdom -2 Save Bad Dexterity +2 Stealth Good Constitution +2 Searching Fair Charisma +1 Perception Bad Life Rating 109% Melee Fair Base HP 12 Bows Superb Experience 135% Daggers A knife in the back! This speciality favors dual wielding and rogue-like behavior. The daggermaster can even assume the posture of The Flying Dagger which greatly enhances their low level dagger toss capability. Indeed, their prowess with the dagger toss is legendary and appears almost magical! At high levels, you will also gain formidable melee prowess with the Frenzy Stance. Finally, daggermasters have very strong short ranged teleport techniques that synergize well with their toss abilities. Stats Skills Strength +1 Disarming Very Good Intelligence +0 Device Good Wisdom -1 Save Fair Dexterity +4 Stealth Excellent Constitution +0 Searching Good Charisma +1 Perception Fair Life Rating 109% Melee Very Good Base HP 12 Bows Excellent Experience 135% Polearms You don a grim face before setting out to reap your harvest of death. You will swing your weapon wide often affecting multiple surrounding opponents. Stats Skills Strength +3 Disarming Fair Intelligence -2 Device Poor Wisdom -2 Save Fair Dexterity +1 Stealth Fair Constitution +2 Searching Poor Charisma +1 Perception Bad Life Rating 109% Melee Superb Base HP 12 Bows Bad Experience 135% Shields Specializing in shields gives excellent powers of defense and retaliation. In addition, you can even choose to melee with your shield rather than a normal weapon, bashing your opponents senseless. This form of combat is known as Shield Bashing and is unique to this speciality. Stats Skills Strength +3 Disarming Fair Intelligence -1 Device Fair Wisdom +0 Save Excellent Dexterity +1 Stealth Fair Constitution +3 Searching Poor Charisma +1 Perception Bad Life Rating 109% Melee Excellent Base HP 12 Bows Bad Experience 135% Slings Watch out, Goliath! As a master of slings you will shoot pebbles with uncanny speed. Your shots may even ricochet off other monsters to score multiple hits. As with other archery specializations, your ammo will break less often. Stats Skills Strength +0 Disarming Fair Intelligence +0 Device Good Wisdom +0 Save Poor Dexterity +4 Stealth Very Good Constitution +0 Searching Fair Charisma +1 Perception Poor Life Rating 109% Melee Fair Base HP 12 Bows Superb Experience 135% Staves Monkey King! You will battle opponents with a flurry of blows from your mighty staff and will be prepared to counter the attacks of your enemies. You can vault into battle and circle kick enemies for stunning effects, attacking them with your boots! You may even eventually clone yourself at great cost. Stats Skills Strength +1 Disarming Fair Intelligence -1 Device Fair Wisdom -1 Save Fair Dexterity +3 Stealth Fair Constitution +2 Searching Poor Charisma +1 Perception Bad Life Rating 109% Melee Superb Base HP 12 Bows Bad Experience 135% Swords You will become a true swordmaster! Mastery of the blade will augment your weapon with elemental, vorpal or vampiric powers. Stats Skills Strength +2 Disarming Good Intelligence -2 Device Fair Wisdom -2 Save Fair Dexterity +2 Stealth Fair Constitution +2 Searching Poor Charisma +1 Perception Bad Life Rating 109% Melee Superb Base HP 12 Bows Bad Experience 135% Diggers A master of digging. You prefer rocky enclosures and don't mind lugging around a corpse or two, which you can bury in a pinch for a temporary bonus. You can choose one of several postures which allow you to use the digging bonus of your current weapon as an additional bonus, such as increased strength, constitution, or even speed! So keep your eye open for those +8 diggers! Stats Skills Strength +3 Disarming Fair Intelligence -2 Device Fair Wisdom -2 Save Fair Dexterity +1 Stealth Good Constitution +2 Searching Poor Charisma +1 Perception Bad Life Rating 109% Melee Superb Base HP 12 Bows Bad Experience 135% Table 1 - Weaponmaster Statistic Bonus Table STR INT WIS DEX CON CHR Life BHP Exp Axes +4 -3 -2 -1 +2 +1 109% +12 135% Bows +1 -1 -1 +3 +0 +1 109% +12 135% Clubs +3 -2 -2 -1 +2 +1 109% +12 135% Crossbows +2 -2 -2 +2 +2 +1 109% +12 135% Daggers +1 +0 -1 +4 +0 +1 109% +12 135% Polearms +3 -2 -2 +1 +2 +1 109% +12 135% Shields +3 -1 +0 +1 +3 +1 109% +12 135% Slings +0 +0 +0 +4 +0 +1 109% +12 135% Staves +1 -1 -1 +3 +2 +1 109% +12 135% Swords +2 -2 -2 +2 +2 +1 109% +12 135% Diggers +3 -2 -2 +1 +2 +1 109% +12 135% Table 2 - Weaponmaster Skill Bonus Table I Disarming Device Save Stealth Axes Fair Bad Fair Fair Bows Fair Good Poor Very Good Clubs Fair Fair Very Good Fair Crossbows Fair Fair Bad Good Daggers Very Good Good Fair Excellent Polearms Fair Poor Fair Fair Shields Fair Fair Excellent Fair Slings Fair Good Poor Very Good Staves Fair Fair Fair Fair Swords Good Fair Fair Fair Diggers Fair Fair Fair Good Table 3 - Weaponmaster Skill Bonus Table II Searching Perception Melee Bows Axes Poor Bad Superb Bad Bows Fair Poor Fair Superb Clubs Poor Bad Excellent Excellent Crossbows Fair Bad Fair Superb Daggers Good Fair Very Good Excellent Polearms Poor Bad Superb Bad Shields Poor Bad Excellent Bad Slings Fair Poor Fair Superb Staves Poor Bad Superb Bad Swords Poor Bad Superb Bad Diggers Poor Bad Superb Bad Automatically generated for PosChengband 6.0.3.